Originally a website in 2002, inspired by a series of interviews and letters on the subject of the internet held with people over the ages of 75, most of whom were non-users. The website was presented as a series of anonymous linked pages, containing images of the original texts produced via a manual typewriter, the ‘home’ medium of the contributors.
An offline development of the work explored the relationship between the physical and virtual material presence of these texts, from the physical impression on paper to virtual image, to a computer generated camera-less image made real from transference onto photographic paper. It consisted of two sets of a selection of four texts: four photographic texts from the computer alongside four duplicate texts of physical paper impressions, which had been manually reproduced on a typewriter with the ribbon removed (not shown).
This further called attention to the real but mostly invisible opinions of an excluded generation of non-internet users.
© Images and text Jan Frith