Sewing Memories - an interactive artwork which connected audiences at The D-Day Story directly with a sewing machine and memories of those who have sewn. By turning the handle the viewer could directly engage with the physicality of the old Singer sewing machine, hearing its sounds and reading the memories. At award winning Portsmouth museum The D-Day Story (October 2022), it was used to highlight local memories and the wartime sewing of 'Make Do and Mend.' Creative sessions 'Sew Style and Upcycle' were held alongside so people could try contemporary personalisation, sewing and upcycling of clothing inspired by the museum collections and the interactive artwork.
“Sewing Memories is a really interesting and unique artwork. I found reading the memories while turning the sewing machine wheel very moving and nostalgic. That thoughts of so many different people in different places and different times could be brought together through the simple act of sewing, with some of today’s technology making it possible is fascinating.”
- Ross Fairbrother, General Manager of The D-Day Story
© Images and text Jan Frith