Push The Boat Out was a museum commission led by artist Jan Frith to work with Young Adult Carers in Portsmouth as a filmmaker.  The project was made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and resulted in a series of four films, as part of National Careers Week.

Four professionals responsible for achieving the restoration and installation of historic Landing Craft Tank-7074 next to The D-Day Story were interviewed and recorded to discover the varying nature of their jobs and their work experiences.

Covid lockdowns in Spring 2021 meant that all development workshops and filming happened virtually including a virtual tour of the ship. 

The films were co-created to inspire the future career aspirations of young people.

Project films can be found - The D-Day Story

Photograph by Mandy Watters, Specialist Young Carers Family Support and Education Link Worker.  On board LCT-7974 when we finally got to meet, to celebrate a year after the virtual workshops, interviews and filming.

"Here at The D-Day Story we were looking for a filmmaker who would make a difference.  Someone who was happy to have the finished work defined by young adult carers, bring a new style and work flexibly with the ever changing pandemic situation.  Jan used her nurturing spirit to build trust with young people, creativity to produce a high quality finish and easy going nature to keep a focus on film content - when all else around us seemed to be the pandemic.   Thank you Jan- you made the difference!" - The D-Day Story, Portsmouth.



© Images and text Jan Frith

Push the Boat Out

Artist led community engagement commission for The D-Day Story, Portsmouth